在b站看的纪录片~ 历史还是需要我们铭记在心的……作为受害者为了得到一个正当的道歉却要四处奔波游行一遍一遍地把自己的伤疤剥开来其实于他们而言 爱之初是一件很残忍的事情 不忘历史珍惜和平吧战争真的是无数恶的温床
3.5 Somebody please restore this. It's a poetry film that combines real life documentary of filmmaker's hometown after the independence, with scene reconstructions of: women's recollection of the war and their roles (feeding the guerillas etc), folktales, imagery metaphor or pure stream of consciousness sequences. It's the first Lebanese film directed by a woman and it's already a daring experimental work showcasing the magic of cinema in not only preserving, but recreating memories.