Weill portrays a single, green girl's helpless loneliness in a big city (it's always NYC) with such authenticity and delicacy; Susan's not selfish but only scared, of being WITH someone and making up her own calls. And that's not only the struggle of being single but also being a single woman during the 1970s after the 2nd-wave feminism movement. Yet it remains pertinent now more than ever: How hard is it to be in the counterculture when mainstream prevails? How would marriage do to friendships? What's it like to maintain the female perspective? Frances Ha's answer pales like a superficial YA novel in front of this one.
第一个镜头上来我都不相信是动画片镜头各种细腻看得出用心的制作其实迈步前进与否也不是遇见一个谁就能够解决的了吧东北旺仔酒店做奴TUBE只是当作救命稻草(也许吧)孤独感也不是如此就能消除的但感动我的地方还是结尾处: 秋月释放了所有的情绪埋怨着雪野而雪野则放弃了大人应有的所有的保护放声大哭ost棒~